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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We have changed our itinerary due to the severe flooding in northern Vietnam. The travel agent who sold us our train tickets says that the Hanoi train station is open... But the local Hanoi hotels we spoke to said it was closed. Either way, it sounds like a bad situation, so we have booked flights directly to Bangkok, Thailand. Hopefully the rain lets up soon.

It is only 7pm here. The polls have not yet opened on the east coast. We are going to find an ex-pat bar/cafe when we land in Bangkok to see some of the election coverage.

4 comments (click to view/add):

Unknown said...

Hi Chris & Tina,
Your blog is great! Thanks so much for doing it. It's wonderful being able to follow you in your travels.
Love you,
Mom & Dad

DadTobey said...

I think that you need to check for webbed feet and hands. Thanks for the adventure in a far away land. The pictures are great. It is hard to make the connection between laptops, emails, digital cameras and the internet when all we see is huts, oxen and water. Lil said Hello. Keep the news coming.

DadTobey said...

I am not sure if could find the election returns.
Obama won.
It was about 52% to 48% on the popular vote.

Chris + Tina said...

Glad you guys are enjoying the blog. We did find a spot to watch the election results. There was a group of ex-pats and many, many non U.S. people that were interested. It was almost as good as being home.