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Friday, November 21, 2008

To the tailors!

Hoi An is the best place in Asia to get custom made colthing. There are 100's of tailors who will take your measurements and produce suits, dresses, coats, and just about anything else in about 24 hours. It was a lot of fun, and a great activity considering the rainy weather.

We only planned to get a few things made, but the prices are very reasonable and it is nice to have clothing that fits so perfectly. Now we have a extra duffe bag full of clothing to bring home with us!

The rain continued the entire time we were in Hoi An. The Vietnamese don't seem to be at all disturbed by the rain. It is just part of life. Even as the river rose and broke its banks, they took it all in stride. The boat ladies can now tke you anywhere in town, just about river to door. We had to wade to the tailors and dinner on the last 2 days. Hopefully we will get some sun as we head farther north.

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